Data Dictionary for the NFDC Airport Runways Table
Field Description
BaseEndAcltStopDistanceAvailableASDA Declared distances Actual Stop Distance Available, in feet.
BaseEndALS Approach light system. ALSAF - 3,000 foot high intensity approach lighting system with centerline sequence flashers. ALSF1 - standard 2,400 foot high intensity approach lighting system with sequenced flashers, category I configuration. ALSF2 - standard 2,
BaseEndArrestingDeviceType Type of aircraft arresting device. Indicates type of jet arresting barrier installed at the far end. (ex. MA1, MA1A, BAK9, BAK6, E14, E15, E5, etc.)
BaseEndCenterlineLights Runway centerline lights availability. (ex. Y - yes; N - no)
BaseEndCrossingHeight Threshold crossing height (feet AGL). Height that the effective visual glide path crosses above the runway threshold. (ex. 32)
BaseEndDisplacedElevation Elevation at displaced threshold (feet AGL). (ex. 1200.1 187.1 200)
BaseEndDisplacedLatitude Latitude at displaced threshold (formatted).
BaseEndDisplacedLatitudeS Latitude at displaced threshold (seconds).
BaseEndDisplacedLength Displaced threshold - length in feet from runway end. (ex. 120 or NONE)
BaseEndDisplacedLongitude Longitude at displaced threshold (formatted).
BaseEndDisplacedLongitudeS Longitude at displaced threshold (seconds).
BaseEndDisplacedThresholdElevationSource Displaced threshold elevation source. (ex. NACO, AVN)
BaseEndDisplacedThresholdElevationSourceDate Displaced threshold elevation source date (MM/DD/YYYY).
BaseEndDisplacedThresholdPositionSource Displaced threshold position source. (ex. NACO, AVN)
BaseEndDisplacedThresholdPositionSourceDate Displaced threshold position source date (MM/DD/YYYY).
BaseEndElevationSource Runway end elevation source. (ex. NACO, AVN)
BaseEndElevationSourceDate Runway end elevation source date (MM/DD/YYYY).
BaseEndGlidePathAngle Visual glide path angle (hundredths of degrees). (ex. 3.00)
BaseEndGradient Runway end gradient. (ex. 0.2)
BaseEndGradientDirection Runway end gradient direction (UP or DOWN).
BaseEndID Base end identifier. The runway end described by the following information. Relates to the first part of the runway identification. (ex. For runway 18/36 the base end is 18)
BaseEndILSType Instrument landing system (ILS) type. (ex. ILS - instrument landing system; MLS - microwave landing system; SDF - simplified directional facility; localizer - localizer; LDA - localizer-type directional aid; ISMLS - interim standard microwave landing syst
BaseEndLandingDistanceAvailableLDA Declared distances Landing Distance Available, in feet.
BaseEndMarkingsCondition Runway markings (condition). (ex. G - good; F - fair; P - poor)
BaseEndMarkingsType Runway markings (type). (ex. PIR - precision instrument; NPI ? non-precision instrument; BSC - basic; NRS - numbers only; NSTD - nonstandard (other than numbers only); BUOY - buoys (seaplane base); STOL - short takeoff and landing; NONE - none)
BaseEndObjectClearSlope Controlling object clearance slope. Value, expressed as a ratio of N:1, of the clearance that is available to approaching aircraft. If the clearance slope is greater than 50:1 then 50 or 50+ will be entered.
BaseEndObjectDescription Controlling object description.
BaseEndObjectDistance Controlling object distance from runway end distance, in feet, from the physical runway end to the controlling object. This is measured using the extended runway centerline to a point abeam the object. (ex. 800 0 NONE)
BaseEndObjectHeight Controlling object height above runway height, in feet ADL, the object is above the physical runway end.
BaseEndObjectMarkLight Controlling object marked/lighted. (ex. M - marked, L - lighted, ML - marked and lighted, NONE - none)
BaseEndObjectOffset Controlling object centerline offset distance, in feet, that the controlling object is located away from the extended runway centerline as measured horizontally on a line perpendicular to the extended runway centerline. Also, indicates the direction (left
BaseEndPart77Category FAA FAR Part 77 (objects affecting navigable airspace) runway category. (ex. A(V) - utility runway with a visual approach, B(V) - other than utility runway with a visual approach, A(NP) - utility runway with a non-precision approach, C - other than utilit
BaseEndPhysicalElevation Elevation (feet MSL) at physical runway end. (ex. 58 120.5 13.0)
BaseEndPhysicalLatitude Latitude of physical runway end (formatted).
BaseEndPhysicalLatitudeS Latitude of physical runway end (seconds).
BaseEndPhysicalLongitude Longitude of physical runway end (formatted).
BaseEndPhysicalLongitudeS Longitude of physical runway end (seconds).
BaseEndPositionSource Runway end position source. (ex. NACO, AVN)
BaseEndPositionSourceDate Runway end position source date (MM/DD/YYYY).
BaseEndREIL Runway end identifier lights (REIL) availability. (ex. Y - yes; N - no)
BaseEndRightTrafficPattern Right hand traffic pattern for landing aircraft. (ex. Y - yes; N - no)
BaseEndRVR Runway visual range equipment (RVR). Indicates location(s) at which RVR equipment is installed. Can be any one or a combination of the following three one letter codes: T - touchdown; M - midfield; R - rollout; N - no RVR available. Possible values: T, M,
BaseEndRVV Runway visibility value equipment (RVR). Indicates presence of RVR equipment (ex. Y - yes; N - no)
BaseEndTakeOffDistanceAvailableTODA Declared distances Take Off Distance Available, in feet.
BaseEndTakeOffRunAvailableTORA Declared distances Take Off Run Available, in feet.
BaseEndTDZElevation Elevation at touchdown zone (feet AGL) (ex. 1200 187.5)
BaseEndTDZLatitude Latitude at touchdown zone (formatted).
BaseEndTDZLatitudeS Latitude at touchdown zone (seconds).
BaseEndTDZLongitude Longitude at touchdown zone (formatted).
BaseEndTDZLongitudeS Longitude at touchdown zone (seconds).
BaseEndTouchdownLights Runway end touchdown lights availability. (ex. Y - yes; N - no)
BaseEndTouchdownZoneElevationSource Touchdown zone elevation source. (ex. NACO, AVN)
BaseEndTouchdownZoneElevationSourceDate Touchdown zone elevation source date (MM/DD/YYYY).
BaseEndTouchdownZonePositionSource Touchdown zone position source. (ex. NACO, AVN)
BaseEndTouchdownZonePositionSourceDate Touchdown zone position source date (MM/DD/YYYY).
BaseEndTrueAlignment Runway end true alignment true magnetic heading of the runway - to the nearest degree. (ex. For runway end 18, could be 184)
BaseEndVASI Visual glide slope indicators. Acronyms: SAVASI - simplified abbreviated visual approach slope indicator; VASI - visual approach slope indicator; PAPI - precision approach path indicator; tri - tri-color visual approach slope indicator; PSI - pulsating/st
EdgeLightsIntensity Runway lights edge intensity. (ex. HIGH - high; MED - medium; LOW - low; NSTD - non-standard lighting system; NONE - no edge lighting system)
GrossWeightDDTW Pavement strength under dual dual tandem wheel landing gear in thousands of pounds.
GrossWeightDTW Pavement strength under dual tandem wheel landing gear in thousands of pounds.
GrossWeightDW Pavement strength under dual wheel landing gear in thousands of pounds.
GrossWeightSW Pavement strength under single wheel landing gear in thousands of pounds.
PavementClass Pavement classification number (PCN). A rating system that expresses the relative load carrying capacity of a pavement in terms of a standard single wheel load. The rating is structured so that a pavement with a particular PCN value can support, without w
ReciprocalEndAcltStopDistanceAvailableASDA Declared distances Actual Stop Distance Available, in feet.
ReciprocalEndALS Approach light system. ALSAF - 3,000 foot high intensity approach lighting system with centerline sequence flashers. ALSF1 - standard 2,400 foot high intensity approach lighting system with sequenced flashers, category I configuration. ALSF2 - standard 2,
ReciprocalEndArrestingDeviceType Type of aircraft arresting device. Indicates type of jet arresting barrier installed at the far end. (ex. MA1,MA1A, BAK9, BAK6, E14, E15, E5, etc.)
ReciprocalEndCenterlineLights Runway centerline lights availability. (ex. Y - yes; N - no)
ReciprocalEndCrossingHeight Threshold crossing height (feet AGL). Height that the effective visual glide path crosses above the runway threshold. (ex. 32)
ReciprocalEndDisplacedElevation Elevation at displaced threshold (feet AGL). (ex. 1200.1 187.1 200)
ReciprocalEndDisplacedLatitude Latitude at displaced threshold (formatted).
ReciprocalEndDisplacedLatitudeS Latitude at displaced threshold (seconds).
ReciprocalEndDisplacedLength Displaced threshold - length in feet from runway end. (ex. 120 or NONE)
ReciprocalEndDisplacedLongitude Longitude at displaced threshold (formatted).
ReciprocalEndDisplacedLongitudeS Longitude at displaced threshold (seconds).
ReciprocalEndDisplacedThresholdElevationSource Displaced threshold elevation source. (ex. NACO, AVN)
ReciprocalEndDisplacedThresholdElevationSourceDate Displaced threshold elevation source date (MM/DD/YYYY).
ReciprocalEndDisplacedThresholdPositionSource Displaced threshold position source. (ex. NACO, AVN)
ReciprocalEndDisplacedThresholdPositionSourceDate Displaced threshold position source date (MM/DD/YYYY).
ReciprocalEndElevationSource Runway end elevation source. (ex. NACO, AVN)
ReciprocalEndElevationSourceDate Runway end elevation source date (MM/DD/YYYY).
ReciprocalEndGlidePathAngle Visual glide path angle (hundredths of degrees). (ex. 3.00)
ReciprocalEndGradient Runway end gradient. (ex. 0.2)
ReciprocalEndGradientDirection Runway end gradient direction (UP or DOWN).
ReciprocalEndID Reciprocal end identifier. The runway end described by the following information. Relates to the first part of the runway identification. (ex. For runway 18/36 the reciprocal end is 36)
ReciprocalEndILSType Instrument landing system (ILS) type. (ex. ILS - instrument landing system; MLS - microwave landing system; SDF - simplified directional facility; localizer - localizer; LDA - localizer-type directional aid; ISMLS - interim standard microwave landing syst
ReciprocalEndLandingDistanceAvailableLDA Declared distances Landing Distance Available, in feet.
ReciprocalEndMarkingsCondition Runway markings (condition). (ex. G - good; F - fair; P - poor)
ReciprocalEndMarkingsType Runway markings (type). (ex. PIR - precision instrument; NPI ? non-precision instrument; BSC - basic; NRS - numbers only; NSTD - nonstandard (other than numbers only); BUOY - buoys (seaplane base); STOL - short takeoff and landing; NONE - none)
ReciprocalEndObjectClearSlope Controlling object clearance slope. Value, expressed as a ratio of N:1, of the clearance that is available to approaching aircraft. If the clearance slope is greater than 50:1 then 50 or 50+ will be entered.
ReciprocalEndObjectDescription Controlling object description.
ReciprocalEndObjectDistance Controlling object distance from runway end distance, in feet, from the physical runway end to the controlling object. This is measured using the extended runway centerline to a point abeam the object. (ex. 800 0 NONE)
ReciprocalEndObjectHeight Controlling object height above runway height, in feet ADL, the object is above the physical runway end.
ReciprocalEndObjectMarkLight Controlling object marked/lighted. (ex. M - marked, L - lighted, ML - marked and lighted, NONE - none)
ReciprocalEndObjectOffset Controlling object centerline offset distance, in feet, that the controlling object is located away from the extended runway centerline as measured horizontally on a line perpendicular to the extended runway centerline. Also, indicates the direction (left
ReciprocalEndPart77Category FAA FAR Part 77 (objects affecting navigable airspace) runway category. (ex. A(V) - utility runway with a visual approach, B(V) - other than utility runway with a visual approach, A(NP) - utility runway with a non-precision approach, C - other than utilit
ReciprocalEndPhysicalElevation Elevation (feet MSL) at physical runway end. (ex. 58 120.5 13.0)
ReciprocalEndPhysicalLatitude Latitude of physical runway end (formatted).
ReciprocalEndPhysicalLatitudeS Latitude of physical runway end (seconds).
ReciprocalEndPhysicalLongitude Longitude of physical runway end (formatted).
ReciprocalEndPhysicalLongitudeS Longitude of physical runway end (seconds).
ReciprocalEndPositionSource Runway end position source. (ex. NACO, AVN)
ReciprocalEndPositionSourceDate Runway end position source date (MM/DD/YYYY).
ReciprocalEndREIL Runway end identifier lights (REIL) availability. (ex. Y - yes; N - no)
ReciprocalEndRightTrafficPattern Right hand traffic pattern for landing aircraft. (ex. Y - yes; N - no)
ReciprocalEndRVR Runway visual range equipment (RVR). Indicates location(s) at which RVR equipment is installed. Can be any one or a combination of the following three one letter codes: T - touchdown; M - midfield; R - rollout; N - no RVR available. Possible values: T, M,
ReciprocalEndRVV Runway visibility value equipment (RVR). Indicates presence of RVR equipment (ex. Y - yes; N - no)
ReciprocalEndTakeOffDistanceAvailableTODA Declared distances Take Off Distance Available, in feet.
ReciprocalEndTakeOffRunAvailableTORA Declared distances Take Off Run Available, in feet.
ReciprocalEndTDZElevation Elevation at touchdown zone (feet AGL) (ex. 1200 187.5)
ReciprocalEndTDZLatitude Latitude at touchdown zone (formatted).
ReciprocalEndTDZLatitudeS Latitude at touchdown zone (seconds).
ReciprocalEndTDZLongitude Longitude at touchdown zone (formatted).
ReciprocalEndTDZLongitudeS Longitude at touchdown zone (seconds).
ReciprocalEndTouchdownLights Runway end touchdown lights availability. (ex. Y - yes; N - no)
ReciprocalEndTouchdownZoneElevationSource Touchdown zone elevation source. (ex. NACO, AVN)
ReciprocalEndTouchdownZoneElevationSourceDate Touchdown zone elevation source date (MM/DD/YYYY).
ReciprocalEndTouchdownZonePositionSource Touchdown zone position source. (ex. NACO, AVN)
ReciprocalEndTouchdownZonePositionSourceDate Touchdown zone position source date (MM/DD/YYYY).
ReciprocalEndTrueAlignment Runway end true alignment true magnetic heading of the runway - to the nearest degree. (ex. For runway end 36, could be 4)
ReciprocalEndVASI Visual glide slope indicators. Acronyms: SAVASI - simplified abbreviated visual approach slope indicator; VASI - visual approach slope indicator; PAPI - precision approach path indicator; tri - tri-color visual approach slope indicator; PSI - pulsating/st
RunwayID Runway identification. Ex. 01/19; 18L/36R (parallel runways); H1 (helipad); N/S (north/south); ALL/WAY (sealane); B1 (balloonport)
RunwayLength Physical runway length (nearest foot) (ex. 3500)
RunwayLengthSource Runway length source. (ex. NACO, AVN)
RunwayLengthSourceDate Runway length source date (MM/DD/YYYY).
RunwaySurfaceTreatment Runway surface treatment. (ex. GRVD - saw-cut or plastic grooved; PFC - porous friction course; AFSC - aggregate friction seal coat; RFSC - rubberized friction seal coat; WC - wire comb or wire tine; NONE - no special surface treatment)
RunwaySurfaceTypeCondition Runway surface type and condition. (ex. CONC - Portland cement concrete; ASPH - asphalt or bituminous concrete; SNOW - snow; ICE - ice; MATS - pierced steel planking, landing mats, membranes; TREATED - oiled, soil cement or lime stabilized; GRAVEL - grave
RunwayWidth Physical runway width (nearest foot) (ex. 100)
SiteNumber Landing facility site number. The unique identifying number of the airport whose runway is being described. Together with the runway id field, this provides the unique key to a runway record.
State Runway state post office code. The state where the landing facility is located. This was used in sorting the entire file by state and site number.

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