Data Dictionary for the NFDC Airport Facilities Table
Field Description
Acreage Amount of land owned by the airport in acres.
ActiviationDate Airport activation date (mm/yyyy). Provides the month and year that the facility was added to the NFDC airport database. Note: this information is only available for those facilities opened since 1981. (ex. 06/1981)
AirframeRepair Airframe repair service availability/type. (ex. MAJOR, MINOR, NONE)
AirportElevationSource Airport elevation source.
AirportElevationSourceDate Airport elevation source date (mm/dd/yyyy).
AirportPositionSource Airport position source.
AirportPositionSourceDate Airport position source date (mm/dd/yyyy).
AirspaceDetermination Airport airspace analysis determination. (ex. CONDL (conditional), NOT ANALYZED, NO OBJECTION, OBJECTIONABLE)
AlternateFSSID Alternate FSS identifier provides the identifier of a full-time flight service station that assumes responsibility for the airport during the off hours of a part-time primary FSS. (ex. 'DCA' for Washington FSS)
AlternateFSSName Alternate FSS name. (ex. 'Washington' for Washington FSS)
AlternateFSSTollFreeNumber Toll free phone number from airport to alternate FSS for pilot briefing services the data describes the type of toll-free communications and the number to dial. The data formats and their meanings are: 1-nnn-nnnn, dial 1-800- then nnn-nnnn; 8-nnn-nnnn, dial 800 then nnn-nnnn; e-nnnnnnnn, enterprise number, dial 0 & ask for enterprise nnnnnnnn; lcnnn-nnnn, local call - dial nnn-nnnn; dl, direct line telephone at the airport; no dialing required; z-nnnnnnnn, zenith number, dial 0 and ask for zenith nnnnnnnn; w-nnnnnnnn, dial 0 and ask for wx nnnnnnnn; c-nnnnnnnn, dial 0 and ask for commerce nnnnnnnn; ld-nnnnnnn, long distance call, dial (area code) then nnnnnnn; lt-nnnnnnn, long distance call, dial 1-nnnnnnn; 1-wx-brief, dial 1-800-wx-brief; 8-wx-brief, dial 800-wx-brief.
ARPElevation Airport elevation (nearest foot MSL). Elevation is measured at the highest point on the centerline of the usable landing surface. (ex. 1200; -10 for 10 feet below sea level)
ARPElevationMethod Airport elevation determination method. (ex. E - estimated, S - surveyed)
ARPLatitude Airport reference point latitude (formatted).
ARPLatitudeS Airport reference point latitude (seconds).
ARPLongitude Airport reference point longitude (formatted).
ARPLongitudeS Airport reference point longitude (seconds).
ARPMethod Airport reference point determination method. (ex. E - estimated, S - surveyed)
ATCT Air traffic control tower located on airport. (ex. Y - yes, N - no)
AttendanceSchedule Airport attendance schedule (when minimum services are available). Format is months/days/hours where the first part describes the months that the facility is attended, then the days of the week that the facility is open, and finally the hours within the day that it is attended. This field may also contain 'UNATNDD' for unattended facilities. If there are different schedules for different times of the year the schedules are separated by a comma (JAN-MAY/ALL/ALL, JUNE-DEC/ALL/SR-SS). (ex. 'ALL/MON-FRI/SR-SS' means the facility is open year-round, Monday thru Friday, from sunrise to sunset)
BeaconColor Lens color of operable beacon located on the airport. (ex. CG - clear-green (lighted land airport); CY - clear-yellow (lighted seaplane base); CGY - clear-green-yellow (heliport); SCG - split-clear-green (lighted military airport); C - clear (unlighted land airport); Y - yellow (unlighted seaplane base); G - green (lighted land airport); N - none)
BottledOxygenType Type of bottled oxygen available (value represents high and/or low pressure replacement bottle). (ex. HIGH, LOW, HIGH/LOW, NONE)
BoundaryARTCCComputerID Boundary ARTCC (FAA) computer identifier. (ex. ZCW for Washington ARTCC)
BoundaryARTCCID Boundary ARTCC identifier the boundary ARTCC is the FAA air route traffic control center within whose published boundaries the airport lies. It may not be the controlling ARTCC for the airport if a letter of agreement exists between the boundary ARTCC and another ARTCC. (ex. ZDC for Washington ARTCC)
BoundaryARTCCName Boundary ARTCC name. (ex. Washington)
BulkOxygenType Type of bulk oxygen available (value represents high and/or low pressure cylinders). (ex. HIGH, LOW, HIGH/LOW, NONE)
CertificationTypeDate Airport certification type and date. Format is a two character code followed by the month/year of certification (ex. AS-07/1980 CS 01/1983 AU-09/1983). Codes AS,BS,CS,DS,ES are for airports having a full certificate under FAR Part 139 and receiving scheduled air carrier service from carriers certificated by the Civil Aeronautics Board. The A,B,C,D,E identifies the aircraft rescue and firefighting index for the airport, and the 'S' is for scheduled air carrier service. Codes AU,BU,CU,DU,EU are for airports having a full certificate under FAR Part 139 but not currently receiving scheduled service. Code 'lS' is for airports having limited certification under FAR Part 139 and receiving scheduled air carrier service. Code 'LU' is for airports having limited certification under FAR Part 139 and not currently receiving scheduled air carrier service. 'N' or a blank indicates the facility is not certificated.
ChartName Aeronautical sectional chart on which facility appears. (ex. Washington)
City Associated city name. (ex. Chicago)
ContractFuelAvailable Contract fuel available. (ex. Y - yes, N - no)
County Associated county (or parish) name. (ex. Cook)
CountyState Associated county's state (post office code) state where the associated county is located; may not be the same as the associated city's state code. (ex. IL)
CTAFFrequency Common traffic advisory frequency. (CTAF) (ex. 122.800)
CustomsAirportOfEntry Facility has been designated by the U.S. Treasury as an international airport of entry for customs (ex. Y - yes, N - no)
CustomsLandingRights Facility has been designated by the U.S. Treasury as a customs landing rights airport (ex. Y - yes, N - no)
DirectionFromCBD Direction of airport from central business district of associated city (nearest 1/8 compass point - ex. NE).
DistanceFromCBD Distance from central business district of the associated city to the airport (nearest nautical mile - ex. 08).
DistrictOffice FAA district or field office code. (ex. CHI)
EffectiveDate Information effective date (mm/dd/yyyy). This date coincides with the 56-day charting and publication cycle date.
FacilityName Official facility name. (ex. Chicago O'Hare Intl)
FederalAgreements NPIAS/Federal Agreement code a combination of 1 to 7 codes that indicate the type of federal agreements existing at the airport. (ex. NGH). N - national plan of integrated airport systems (NPIAS); B - installation of navigational facilities on privately owned airports under F&E program; G - grant agreements under FAAP/ADAP/AIP; H - compliance with accessibility to the handicapped; P - surplus property agreement under public law 289; R - surplus property agreement under regulation 16-WAA; S - conveyance under section 16, federal airport act of 1946 or section 23, airport and airway development act of 1970; V - advance planning agreement under FAAP; X - obligations assumed by transfer; Y - assurances pursuant to Title VI, Civil Rights Act of 1964; Z - conveyance under Section 303(c), Federal Aviation Act of 1958; 1 - grant agreement has expired; however, agreement remains in effect for this facility as long as it is public use; 2 - Section 303(c) authority from FAA Act of 1958 has expired; however, agreement remains in effect for this facility as long as it is public use; 3 - AP-4 Agreement under DLAND or DCLA has expired; NONE - no grant agreement exists; blank- no grant agreement exists
FSSPhoneNumber Flight service station phone number.
FuelTypes Fuel types available for public use at the airport. There can be up to 8 occurrences of a fixed 5 character field (ex. 80___100__100LL115__). 80 - grade 80 gasoline (red), 100 - grade 100 gasoline (green), 100LL - grade 100LL gasoline (low lead blue), 115 - grade 115 gasoline, a - JET A - kerosene, freeze point ?40C, a1 - JET A -1 - kerosene, freeze point ?50C, A1+ - JET A -1 - kerosene, with icing inhibitor freeze point ?50C, b - JET B - wide-cut turbine fuel, freeze point ?50C, B+ - JET B - wide-cut turbine fuel with icing inhibitor, freeze point ?50C, MOGAS - automotive gasoline
GlidersOperational Number of operational gliders.
HelicoptersGA Number of general aviation helicopter.
InspectionGroup Agency/group performing physical inspection (ex. F - faa airports field personnel, s - state aeronautical personnel, c - private contract personnel, n - owner)
InspectionMethod Airport inspection method. (ex. F - federal, S - state, C - contractor, 1 - 5010-1 public use mail out program, 2 - 5010-2 private use mail out program)
JetEngineGA Number of jet engine general aviation aircraft.
LastInspectionDate Last physical inspection date (mmddyyyy)
LastOwnerInformationDate Last date information request was completed by facility owner or manager (mmddyyyy)
LightingSchedule Airport lighting schedule value is the beginning-ending times (local time) that lights are operated. Format can be 1900-2300, DUSK-0100, ALL, DUSK-DAWN, NONE, etc.
LocationID Location identifier unique 3-4 character alphanumeric identifier assigned to the landing facility. (ex. 'ORD' for Chicago O'Hare)
MagneticVariation Magnetic variation and direction magnetic variation to nearest degree. (ex. 03W)
MagneticVariationYear Magnetic variation epoch year. (ex. 1985)
Manager Facility manager's name.
ManagerAddress Manager's address.
ManagerCSZ Manager's city, state and zip code.
ManagerPhone Manager's phone number. (data formats: nnn-nnn-nnnn (area code + phone number), 1-nnn-nnnn (dial 1-800 then number), 8-nnn-nnnn (dial 800 then number))
MilitaryJointUse Facility has military/civil joint use agreement that allows civil operations at a military airport or military operations at a civil airport (ex. Y - yes, N - no)
MilitaryLandingRights Airport has entered into an agreement that grants landing rights to the military (ex. Y - yes, N - no)
MilitaryOperational Number operational military aircraft (includingg helicopters).
MultiEngineGA Number of multi engine general aviation aircraft.
NationalEmergencyInterest Military department(s) that maintain national emergency use interest in this civil facility (ex. A/R R N). R - Army; A - Air Force; N - Navy; X - none
NationalEmergencyStatus Status of airport that is available for use during a national emergency. These are civil airports that were formerly military airfields but the military services have a continuing interest in their use during national emergencies. Data values are one or a series of alphanumeric codes indicating national emergency status (ex. 6 1/4 3E/8/1). 1 - airports certificated under far part 139; 2 - civil airport where military use is subject to lease; 3P - airport is partially released from national emergency use provision; 3E - airport is entirely released from national emergency use provision; 4 - airport includes surplus real property which has been conveyed for, or converted to, revenue production; 5 - exclusive military use airport; 6 - the airport is in the process of disposal or reversion; 7P - a letter of intent has been issued to release a part of the airport property; 7E - a letter of intent has been issued to release the entire airport property; 8 - an exclusive right has been granted (whether or not in violation of an agreement); 8p - an exclusive right has been granted (whether or not in violation of an agreement). However, this exclusive right is of the proprietary type; 8N - an exclusive right exists through a P.L. 80-289 deed providing exemption for fuel and oil sales; however, an exclusive right for fuel oil sales has not been granted.
NonCommercialLandingFee Landing fee charged to non-commercial users of airport. (ex. Y - yes, N - no)
NOTAMFacilityID Identifier of the facility responsible for issuing notices to airmen (NOTAMS) and weather information for the airport. (ex. ORD)
NOTAMService Availability of NOTAM 'd' service at airport. (ex. Y - yes, N - no)
OperationsAirCarrier Air Carrier operations.
OperationsAirTaxi Air taxi. Air taxi operators carrying passengers, mail, or mail for revenue.
OperationsCommuter Cummuter operations.
OperationsCS Commercial services. Scheduled operations by cab-certificated carriers or intrastate carriers and any scheduled commuter/cargo carriers.
OperationsGAItin General aviation itinerant operations. Those general aviation operations (excluding commuter or air taxi) not qualifying as local.
OperationsGALocal General aviation local operations. Those operating in the local traffic pattern or within a 20-mile radius of the airport.
OperationsMilitary Military aircraft operations.
OtherServices Other services. (ex. Y - yes, N - no, none)
Owner Facility owner's name.
OwnerAddress Owner's address.
OwnerCSZ Owner's city, state and zip code.
OwnerPhone Owner's phone number. (data formats: nnn-nnn-nnnn (area code + phone number), 1-nnn-nnnn (dial 1-800 then number), 8-nnn-nnnn (dial 800 then number))
Ownership Airport ownership type. (ex. PU - publicly owned, PR - privately owned, MA - air force owned, MN - navy owned, MR - army owned)
PowerPlantRepair Power plant (engine) repair availability/type. (ex. MAJOR, MINOR, NONE)
Region FAA region code. (ex. AAL - Alaska, ACE - Central, AEA - Eastern, AGL - Great Lakes, AIN - International, ANE - New England, ANM - Northwest Mountain, ASO - Southern, ASW - Southwest, AWP - Western-Pacific)
ResponsibleARTCCComputerID Responsible ARTCC (FAA) computer identifier. (ex. ZCW for Washington ARTCC)
ResponsibleARTCCID Responsible ARTCC identifier the responsible ARTCC is the FAA air route traffic control center who has assumed control over the airport through a letter of agreement with the boundary ARTCC. (ex. ZDC for Washington ARTCC)
ResponsibleARTCCName Responsible ARTCC name. (ex. Washington)
SegmentedCircle Segmented circle airport marker system on the airport. (ex. Y - yes, N - no, none)
SingleEngineGA Number of single engine general aviation aircraft.
SiteNumber Landing facility site number - a unique identifying number which, together with the landing facility type code, forms the key to the airport record. (ex. 04508.*A)
State Associated state post office code standard two letter abbreviation for u.s. states and territories. (ex. IL, PR, CQ)
StateName Associated state name. (ex. Illinois)
TieInFSS Tie-in FSS physically located on facility. (ex. Y - tie-in FSS is on the airport, n - tie-in FSS is not on the airport)
TieInFSSID Tie-in flight service station (FSS) identifier. (ex. DCA for Washington FSS)
TieInFSSName Tie-in FSS name. (ex. Washington)
TieInFSSTollFreeNumber Toll free phone number from airport to FSS for pilot briefing services the data describes the type of toll-free communications and the number to dial. The data formats and their meanings are: 1-nnn-nnnn, dial 1-800- then nnn-nnnn; 8-nnn-nnnn, dial 800 then nnn-nnnn; e-nnnnnnnn, enterprise number dial 0 & ask for enterprise nnnnnnnn; lcnnn-nnnn, local call - dial nnn-nnnn; dl, direct line telephone at the airport; no dialing required; z-nnnnnnnn, zenith number, dial 0 and ask for zenith nnnnnnnn; w-nnnnnnnn, dial 0 and ask for wx nnnnnnnn; c-nnnnnnnn, dial 0 and ask for commerce nnnnnnnn; ld-nnnnnnn, long distance call, dial (area code) then nnnnnnn; lt-nnnnnnn, long distance call, dial 1-nnnnnnn; 1-wx-brief, dial 1-800-wx-brief; 8-wx-brief, dial 800-wx-brief.
TrafficPatternAltitude Traffic pattern altitude (whole feet AGL). (ex. 1000)
TransientStorage Transient storage. (ex. Y - yes, N - no, none)
Type Landing facility type. (ex. Airport, Balloonport, Seaplane Base, Gliderport, Heliport, Stolport, Ultralight)
Ultralights Number of ultralight aircraft.
UNICOMFrequencies Unicom frequencies available at the airport there can be up to 6 occurrences of a fixed 7 character field. (ex. 122.700 or 122.700122.800 or NONE)
Use Facility use. (ex. PU - open to the public, PR - private)
WindIndicator Wind direction indicator. (ex. Y - yes, N - no, none)

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